My Full Astrological Chart

maybe you can understand me better this way...

April 14, 2005
2:36pm (14:36)


25 2'12" NINTH HOUSE

The sun determines your ego, identity, and "role" in life. It's the
core of who you are, and is the sign you're most likely to already
know. Your Sun is in Aries, meaning you are fundamentally assertive,
and persistent, and courageous. Naturally competitive and fiercely
independent, you push things forward with energy and enthusiasm and persevere
through anything. You need to learn to understand other people as complex
wholes. It's in your ninth house, meaning you feel the need to distinguish yourself
from others through philosophy, faith, education, and politics.


26 33'1" FIRST HOUSE

Your ascendant is the "mask" you present to people. It can be seen
in your personal style and how you come off to people when you first meet.
Some say it becomes less relevant as you get older. It changes every two hours,
so if it doesn't make sense, reconfirm your birth time to be sure. Your Ascendant
is in Leo, meaning you come across as bright, good-natured, and magnetic.
Your energy makes you seem either like a know-it-al or a live wire but
always the center of attention.



The moon rules your emotions, moods, and feelings. This
is likely the sign you most think of yourself as, since
it reflects your personality when you're alone or deeply comfortable.
Your Moon is in Cancer, meaning your emotional self is sensitive, thoughtful,
and empathetic. You have a tendency to feel like a martyr, and
secretly fear being abandoned by those you love. You often have trouble letting
things go and feel like an emotional wreck. It's in your eleventh house, meaning you find
security and safety through your friendships, social life, and social status.



Mercury determines how you communicate, talk, think, and process information.
It also indicates how you learn. It is the mind's planet. Your Mercury
is in Aries, meaning your intellect is quick, independent, impatient,
energetic, and direct. You think fast and start conversations with enthusiasm.
You're likely to yell. It's in your eighth house, meaning you are curious about
and inclined to analyze death, sex, the truth, and how to trust.


28 49'15" NINTH HOUSE

Venus determines how and what you love. It indicates how you express
affection and the qualities you're attracted to.
Your Venus is in Aries, meaning your romantic side is enthusiastic, impulsive,
and direct. You fall in love quickly, and out of love just as fast.
You tend to be forthright and direct with your crushes even if you haven't confessed,
you make a lot of inside jokes, touch them a lot,
and maintain eye contact. You alternate between seeming demanding and
disinterested in the relationship. It's in your ninth house,
meaning that for you, love is often expressed in philosophy,
faith, education, and politics.


18 13'41" SIXTH HOUSE

Mars is the planet of aggression. It determines
how you assert yourself, take action, and the energy
that surrounds you particularly in your sex life, your ambitiousness,
and when you're angry. Your Mars is in Aquarius, meaning you assert
yourself in a way that is unconventional and eccentric, and you
push things forward with unique independence. It's in your
sixth house, meaning you put a lot of energy into routines.


12 32' 15" SECOND HOUSE

One of the two social planets, Jupiter rules idealism, optimism,
and expansion. It's also very philosophical. Your Jupiter
is in Libra, meaning you grow and find understanding through
harmony, balance, and seeing both sides to a
situation. It's in your second house, meaning you find
success through money and material possessions.



The other social planet, Saturn rules responsibility, restrictions,
limits, boundaries, fears, and self-discipline. Your
Saturn is in Cancer, meaning you struggle with your emotions, a
taste for drama, and an overabundance of empathy.
It's in your eleventh house, meaning you have had difficulties with
social status, including platonic and casual friends,
along with your hopes, wishes, and dreams.


90 20' 7" SIXTH HOUSE

Uranus stays in each sign for seven years, meaning it rules a
generation more than a person. It rules
innovation, rebellion, and progress. Your Uranus is in Pisces, meaning other
generations are shocked by your generation's sense of empathy,
dreaminess, and gentle nature. It's in your seventh house, meaning that
for you, this manifests in rebelling against dated expectations
about close relationships and long-term partnerships.


24 25' 7" FIFTH HOUSE

Pluto stays in each sign for up to thirty years, meaning it rules
a generation more than a person. It rules power, intensity,
obsession, and control. Your Pluto is in Sagittarius,
meaning your generation's psyche is comparatively positive,
free-spirited, curious, optimistic, forward-looking, independent,
and confident. It's in your fifth house, meaning you personally
are transforming outdated definitions of romance, creativity, and pleasure.

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